Empire 2×17, “Rise By Sin,” has just set us up for one hell of a season finale next week.

Before we get down to it, who else thought that the shooter was going to be Freda? It was either going to be her or Grandma Walker for sure. I kind of feel sorry for the girl. She obviously didn’t mean to shoot Jamal. Freda even had the look of remorse on her face when she realized that Jamal was the one that was shot.

I also don’t believe that Jamal purposefully took that bullet for Lucious, he was just trying to talk Freda down. He stood in front of her trying to reason with her and bring her down to a normal level but Freda was hot! And who can blame her?

So, I admit that I watched the preview for this episode in slow motion and I had a feeling that Jamal was going to be the one that was shot. Once that was in my head, and while watching “Rise By Sin” you can’t help but notice that Jamal had the worst episode! Without a doubt!

  1. First off, D-Major keeps messing with his head. First he wants him, then he doesn’t. Jamal doesn’t deserve that! Then when Lucious almost walks in on them D-Major throws a fit like Jamal was hitting on him. Seriously? The poor look on Jamal’s face. Then Lucious tells him that that’s what D-Major is known for and “everyone” knows he’s on the DL. He preys on young rich boys. No wonder he wanted to produce Jamal’s new album and he was quick to tell Jamal to kick Cookie to the curb.
  2. Then to top that off, Lucious comes at him with his homophobia again. And it’s not pretty. Lucious tells Jamal, “I’ve tried to be sensitive to your way of life.” I’m trying really hard not to fill this entire review with curse words but this man is making it extremely difficult. THEN he continues, “I’ve tried to tolerate something that is intolerable to my nature. I’ve tried to understand and be respectful of your choices, but you don’t respect me and you keep throwing this unnatural way of life into my face.”

    When Jamal defends himself and throws Lucious’ own mother in his face, a nerve is hit. Lucious holds Jamal by his neck and cocks his fist back. But his words draw the biggest punch, “You ain’t nuthin’ to me but a disappointment, and the day you die from AIDS, I’m gonna celebrate.” FUCK YOU, LUCIOUS. I’m crying from anger right now.

  3. Oh, you thought that was enough? Yeah, me too. But there’s more. When Jamal goes to his mother to basically talk about how big of a dick his father is, all Cookie can hear is that Jamal’s still working with Freda. In Cookie’s defense, she’s just worried about Tariq the FBI agent getting at them. But in this moment, all Jamal needed was his mother to sit and listen to her son.

    Instead she tells him the truth about Frank Gathers and that he can’t work with Freda. He’s actually grown a decent friendship with Freda and it’s so heartbreaking that he has to lose a friend and an amazing rapper to feature on his album. When Jamal tells Freda at the ASAs about her leaving Empire you could tell he’s just trying to save her, not himself.

  4. And finally, that moment. Freda shoots toward Lucious and Jamal tries to stop her — from shooting anyone, I think. I don’t think he was purposefully trying to save Lucious, as I said earlier. At episode’s end, Jamal is still in surgery and we don’t know his condition. But one thing is almost for sure. Empire would be stupid to kill off one of their best voices on the show.
  5. Stray observations that I couldn’t review because I was too busy worrying about Jamal all episode