Emma Watson is one classy (single) lady. She took to Twitter to subtly shut down rumors about her and Prince Harry, and remind us that we don’t need no man to be powerful.

Remember those hilarious rumors about Emma Watson dating (and by extension marrying) Prince Harry and becoming a real-life princess? We liked the story because not only does Watson already feel like royalty, but it so perfectly tied in with Watson being announced as a live-action Disney princess.

Related: Emma Watson to star as Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Well, Emma wants us to know that however appropriate it would be for the real-life Hermione to marry a Harry that looked like a Weasley (no more shipper wars, ever!), it’s been deemed a “rumor” for a reason:

Sigh. We know, Emma. “But we just really wanted you to be a princess…” Cue applicable feminist message:

Watson links us to a clip from A Little Princess, which tells us that every girl is a princess. (And by “girl,” we assume they mean everyone who wants to be a princess.)

Related: Emma Watson launches new gender equality initiative: Share your HeForShe stories

Her message isn’t just about tiaras and the illusion of governmental power, however. Watson is reminding us that – just like Belle – she doesn’t need to marry a prince to make her dreams come true. She isn’t playing Cinderella, people!

Stay in school, girls. The time when you needed to “marry rich” to get the life you wanted (unless that life is that of a trophy wife, of course) should be far behind us by now.

We think now’s a good time to break in our new favorite GIF…