With big names coming out in support of feminism, like Beyoncé, Roxanne Gay, and even Claire Huxtable, the ideology has infiltrated popular culture and conversations in the media. One powerful instance of that conversation happened yesterday when Emma Watson, a recently appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador, made an impassioned and well received speech on the need for men to mobilize in efforts to end gender inequality.

The crux of the speech focused on Watson’s new effort “HeForShe,” a campaign to galvanize males to advocate the equality of the genders. Watson said, “Men — I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue too.”

Watson’s take on feminism is a more inclusive branch of the theory. She uses logic in order to show that ending gender discrimination and inequality is a job for everyone. She defines feminism as “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes” and notes that feminism, for some reason, has unpopular connotations.

Not only is Watson’s feminism more inclusive, it’s accessible. Vanity Fair notes that Watson and her Harry Potter character, Hermione Granger, are rarely looked at separately, meaning that her speech can reach more people, as they relate to her witchy character. This is an integral part towards advocating for feminist needs. Compared to Beyoncé, who flaunts her feminism in performance and song yet has never engaged in conversation about the topic, Watson is taking action. She is working on bringing more people into the fold through speeches, through “HeForShe,” and by serving as a mouth piece for the theory.

We need more of Watson and her approach to feminism. The concept seems a logical theory — that men and women (and non-binary genders) should be equal in economic, social, and political terms. Beyond common sense, the privileged — in this case men — need to combat the structural oppression that keep women and non-bindary genders down, while bolstering the men.

The “HeForShe” campaign describes itself as “a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other of humanity, for the entirety of humanity.” The site, with its sleek design and modern interface, provides a gateway to using social media to raise awareness to the gender inequality issues. The site lacks basic statistics or meaningful information for viewers who may not be familiar with feminism and issues women face, but is a good introduction for interested parties to dig deeper.

Particularly in a culture where female victims are blamed for their nude pictures being leaked, as opposed to the men who stole and broadcast those photos across the internet, or asking why she stayed with the man who beat her, a la Janay Rice, men need to advocate for gender equality. We need not be the knights in shining armor, but as collaborators in dismantling the patriarchy and creating a more equitable and socially just world.