If you’re still excited about the details J.K. Rowling revealed about the North American wizarding school Ilvermormy, you’re not alone.

Massachusetts’ United States Senator Elizabeth Warren took a break from campaigning with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to tweet about teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at the North American school for wizards, which we learned this week exists in the Senator’s state. In a message posted earlier today on Twitter, Warren (or someone at her campaign) offers to take the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:

As of this writing, over 9,000 people have liked the tweet and it has been retweeted over 4,000 times.

Keen followers of J.K.Rowling’s tweets might remember that the author revealed several months ago that Hogwarts’ (that other wizard school) own Moaning Myrtle has the same name as the United States senator. When asked by a fan on Twitter, Rowling stated that the ghost’s full name was Elizabeth Warren Myrtle. Rowling later clarified that there was no connection between the Democratic senator and the morose spirit that haunts the girls’ bathroom at Hogwarts. But in light of Warren’s support for Ilvermorny, maybe Rowling will rethink the connection between Myrtle and the real Warren.

We wish Senator Warren the best of luck in her quest for a job at Ilvermorny. Perhaps there is a chance that they would hire a muggle no-maj United States senator? After all, one of the school’s co-founders was a no-maj according to the backstory provided on Pottermore.