The actress who plays Effie Trinket in The Hunger Games continues to get us very excited for the film. Though she’s supposed to stay quiet on the film, New York Magazine got some great details out of her in a new interview!

They are a must read.

Below are the highlights, thanks to DWTC:

Q: Are people going to have brightly colored skin?
A: All I can tell you is that Effie does have pink hair. When the hair and makeup was finished, we had all these people in the trailer and it was like everybody just got giddy all at once, like, “We did it!” and “This is Effie! It’s going to be awesome!” We were so happy.

Q: Did you tone down her look from what’s described in the book?
A: Yeah, you know, it was like, “What’s the shape of the hair? Is it long? Is it curly? Is it short? Is it straight?” And I know Suzanne Collins had ideas, so it was all about like, “What can we do tonally right in the movie?” You can get away with a lot of things in a book that you can’t get away with when you’re visually watching kids kill each other. So we just wanted to make sure that she didn’t look too clownish. And that we honored the solemnity of what’s going on in the book. I wouldn’t say we toned it down at all, but it’s very specific.

Q: She was the part you saw yourself as?
A: Oh yeah, totally. It’s the only part that I’m right for. The movie is about 20-year-olds.

Q: Sixteen-year-olds, actually.
A: Yeah, the cast is all 20.

Q: There’s brouhaha about that.
A: Yeah, but if people had to deal with the labor laws that we have to deal with, they’d understand why we can’t cast 15-year-olds. Anyway, Jen [Lawrence] is perfectly cast. She’s amazing. The real deal. Honestly, when we shot the Reaping, I wept.

We love Banks because she is a true fan of the series. And the more we hear her talk about The Hunger Games, the more excited we get!

Read the entire interview on New York Magazine.