Put your deductive skills to good use and separate what is fact and what is fiction from this week’s Elementary.

Many people are having trouble telling what is real and what is fake today. Why should our teaser look at this week’s all new Elementary season 3, episode 18, “The View From Olympus,” be any different. But we’re confident that with 65 episodes under your belt, fans of Elementary will be able to weed out the truth!

1. Sherlock’s father pays off a woman to carry an heir

Mr. Holmes is a mysterious man. A mysterious man with money, that is. Sherlock is quite possibly the only person who can see through his guise and get at the heart of the cruel and distant man who lurks within. But is he crafty enough to coerce a woman into carrying the heir to his vast fortune?

Perhaps. With Mycroft out of the running since his death needs to remain on the record, the only Holmes left to run the family name is Sherlock. However, what about his own seed? We are sure that he could easily give a woman a child who desperately wants one and cannot conceive and make sure that she is taken care of for the rest of her life. We’re sure he has someone with an ear to the ground who can find a case out there for him to lend his help.

2. The NCAA brackets have more to do with ‘Elementary’ than pushing the show off for three weeks

The NCAA Championship sent Elementary into a three week hiatus, but does basketball find another way to weasel its way into the crime this week? From the synopsis, we know that NYC taxi drivers and a private ride share company are at odds. This is after all a fictional show, maybe they fast forward a year to see the preliminary rounds at Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn. Could the cabs be taking too many passengers to and from the games and an accident sets of Sherlock?

Perhaps. But with multiple pick and drop off points throughout the city wouldn’t the taxi in question try to find a less populated area to take out his aggression? Basketball is on the minds of many American’s following the action, and watching their wallets deplete in pools, maybe there is more than one way to gain an advantage because of the hype around the games!

3. Joan considers a new branch of work after meeting with Sherlock’s irregular

Life in the basement can only last for so long, right? Sherlock’s visitor this week, one of his irregulars, Agatha Spurrell proposes a side project she’s like some help on. Sure, Sherlock can clear her head with some horizontal refreshment, but once that is over with, it is down to business for both of them. Could Joan be just the person she needs to take on a quick case that Sherlock cannot fulfill?

Perhaps. Joan is great at entering fancy galas, fundraisers undetected. She has a sharp eye and is not as abrasive as Sherlock can sometimes be. The draw of New York City is that it serves as a great hub for conferences and meetings. Agatha may need some help getting insider information or leads on competing research. Who better for the job than Joan Watson?

Think you figured it out? Tune in tomorrow to see if you were right!

Watch Elementary season 3, episode 18, “The View From Olympus,” Thursday, April 2 at 10:00 p.m. ET on CBS.