Following a major exit and a haunting return last week, we reflect on the other characters Elementary season 3 has a chance to bring back to the story!

Sherlock has his crime board linking suspects to murders. Hypable has a similar board, but instead of working out crimes we are looking for ways to get our favorite characters back into Sherlock and Joan’s life. After last week’s subtle reminder that Moriarty is out in the world keeping tabs on Sherlock and Joan, we started thinking who else we’d like to see again real soon.

Here are seven characters we hope Elementary finds room for in the upcoming seasons!

1. Mycroft Holmes

Mycroft Holmes is dead. Well, in the sense that Mycroft Holmes no longer exists on paper. After MI6 tried to frame him as a mole in the operation, Sherlock attempted to give him a second shot at life outside the organization. However, before Sherlock could figure out a way to get his brother cleared from MI6’s conspiracy clutches, Mycroft pulled the rip cord. Not only did he let down Joan, but Sherlock lost a second chance to mend his relationship with Mycroft. Mycroft’s return would spark a much larger story arc, so we may need to shelve this request for a while.

2. Alfredo

Alfredo is an invaluable resource to Sherlock Holmes. Now, perhaps more than ever, Alfredo’s assistance may be called into play. Now that Joan is returning to the brownstone, Sherlock will need to hash out how this will affect not only his future, but his partner’s as well. When it comes to dealing with emotionally charged situations, Sherlock frequently turns to Joan for guidance. But how can Joan intervene when the crisis is her own? That’s where Alfredo comes into the picture. Give the two another alarm to diffuse, and see where the conversation takes us.

3. Lestrade

Where in the world is Lestrade stirring trouble? Knowing the investigator’s track record, chances are he is not keeping a low profile wherever he wound up. With Gotham doing quite well in its freshman season, Alfred may not be able to swing by the brownstone for a visit just yet. If Batman can get a babysitter for a while, perhaps Lestrade can get into some trouble for Sherlock help sort out.

4. Mrs. Hudson

Mrs. Hudson is around even though her screen time is scarce. This season thus far, she has offered her assistance listening to police scanners for traces of nutmeg. But Mrs. Hudson is a treasure box of untapped potential. She is brilliant and can handle Sherlock’s many quirks, so why not invite her in for a case or two?

5. Kitty

We know, we know, it’s only been three weeks since Kitty fled New York, but we grew accustomed to her face. Perhaps season 3 is not the best venue for her to return, but we hope that Kitty finds her way back to the brownstone in the future. Perhaps she may pick up a few tasks abroad that are set in motion by another face we hope to see real soon…

6. Moriarty

A letter is one thing, but actually seeing Moriarty again is an entirely different ball game. Jamie may never be far from Sherlock’s mind, but she was certainly not on our radar until this week’s reminder that her work is far from over with Sherlock. Joan is the pawn that Moriarty is trying to figure out how to maneuver around to get to her king in checkmate. Joan moves just enough to keep out of trouble, but her recent brush with death is a reminder that there are far bigger games afoot for the duo.

7. Clyde

Clyde, and all of his accessories, are now permanently situated in the brownstone. A story arc for everyone’s favorite tortoise is long over due. What do we really know about Clyde? He’s an excellent painter, loves a good cozy, and decidedly dislikes those who seem aggravated at Sherlock’s experiments. Hopefully a case will arise soon that will require the assistance of Clyde beyond his ability to serve as an ambulance.

Watch Elementary season 3, episode 15,”When your Number’s Up,” Thursday, February 19 at 10:00 p.m. ET on CBS.