We’re getting treated to more details about the three factions of Elder Scrolls Online, courtesy of Game Informer, following information that leaked earlier this month. Which of the factions will your character join? 

Aldmeri Dominion


Represented by: the Eagle

Races: Altmer (high elves), Bosmer (wood elves), Khajiit.

The Dominion’s territory covers Valenwood province, the Summerset Isles, and Elsweyr, home of the Khajiit. This faction is particularly ruthless, following a “submit or die” approach, according to game director Matt Firor.

Daggerfall Covenant


Represented by: the Lion.

Races: Bretons, Orcs and Redguard.

Spanning the provinces of High Rock and Hammerfell, these three races have put past enmity behind them to forge the Daggerfall Covenant, perhaps the most democratic of the three factions.

Ebonheart Pact


Represented by: the Dragon.

Races: Argonians, Dunmer (Dark Elves), Nords.

Elder Scrolls Online creative director Paul Sage calls this faction “an alliance of convenience,” due to the rise of the Imperials. The Ebonheart Pact aims to protect the lands of these races rather than invading other provinces. This faction controls Black Marsh, Morrowind and Skyrim.


Faction imbalance looks likely to be an issue. Fan-favourite race, the Khajiit, will undoubtedly be popular. Joining them in the Aldmeri Dominion are two of the three elven races. Wood Elves are always likely to be the first choice for budding archers, and the Altmer make powerful mages. If the racial abilities are toned down for balance reasons, this may reduce the popularity of the Dominion, but we still think it’s likely that the Aldmeri Dominion will have the largest number of players.

The Ebonheart Pact will host many players who remember The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind fondly. Skyrim fans might also join the Pact to compare the province between the two games. With this basic information about the three factions, we speculate that the Daggerfall Covenant will have the lowest population. We don’t know enough about the World PvP to determine how Zenimax Online will balance the faction populations, but we’re sure they’ll have taken the matter into account during the design process.

We’d also expect to see unique armor and weapon sets for each of the factions, and perhaps skills that reflect the modus operandi of each group.

The role-players amongst us are disappointed, but not surprised, that races look to be restricted to one faction – as far as we know, we won’t be able to play as a rogue Bosmer who’s found a home in Morrowind and wishes to fight under the banners of the Ebonheart Pact, for example.

Thanks again to Game Informer for the faction reveals!

Which faction will your character join – and why?