Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith was optioned years ago, but today we’re learning that the film may be switching studios.

Edgar Wright’s name has been making headlines for quite a while now. First, he had been attached to develop Marvel’s Ant-Man, but decided to leave the project due to creative differences with the studio. Ant-Man was, admittedly, a success without Wright, but long-time fans of the property had certain hoped to see his name attached.

With Baby Driver hitting theaters this June, Wright is once again drawing attention. Our own review applauded Wright for his mainstream success of the movie, so it’s appropriate that the filmmaker would continue to make waves.

Next on his plate is Grasshopper Jungle, and adaptation of Andrew Smith’s strange book of the same name. Wright had been attached to the project for quite a few years now, but Sony has since dropped the film. According to The Hollywood Reporter, New Regency is now picking up the reins, even beating out Netflix as a contender.

Scott Rosenberg wrote the script. Considering the success Wright has had with the Cornetto Trilogy, Grasshopper Jungle seems like it could be a good fit for him.

Read the synopsis for Smith’s book below, and be sure to check out our review.

In the small town of Ealing, Iowa, Austin and his best friend, Robby, have accidentally unleashed an unstoppable army. An army of horny, hungry, six-foot-tall praying mantises that only want to do two things.

This is the truth. This is history.

It’s the end of the world. And nobody knows anything about it.

You know what I mean.

Funny, intense, complex, and brave, Grasshopper Jungle brilliantly weaves together everything from testicle-dissolving genetically modified corn to the struggles of recession-era, small-town America in this groundbreaking coming-of-age stunner.