It’s a sad day for dog lovers.

If you’ve seen The Artist, you know that the ten year old Jack Russell, Uggie, brings a bundle of spunk and life to the film.  Unfortunately, new reports state Uggie has a “mystery illness” which is cutting his career short.

Recently, Uggie’s trainer, Omar Von Muller, sat down with The Daily Mail to discuss the pup’s unforeseen illness.  Von Muller stated Uggie will open the Oscars on February 26th alongside Billy Crystal.  After that, his career is over.

“It’s very sad but he is suffering from a mystery shaking syndrome. It is a neurological disorder and we’ve spent thousands on vets’ bills trying to figure out what is causing it but the experts don’t really know,” said Mr Von Muller, 49.

“He started shaking shortly before The Artist began filming in November 2010. It comes and goes and, ironically, it is worse when he’s relaxed. When we were filming you could hardly notice it.”

While it is not uncommon for Jack Russells to shake and shiver, Mr Von Muller says Uggie’s shaking is “abnormal.”

“This is beyond what is normal for the breed but all the vets can tell us, after all the scans and tests, is that it is neurological and he is not suffering.”

Uggie’s success from The Artist has gained him so much recognition that he even now has his own twitter account.  While it is upsetting this brilliant dog’s career is ending early, it’s probably for the best.

What are your thoughts on Uggie’s mystery illness? Are you upset his career is ending?