The latest episode of Downton Abbey aired in the U.K. last night, and wow was it a big one! U.S. fans, if you haven’t seen it, turn away now if you don’t want to be spoiled.

Lady Sybil’s death in Downton was the biggest shock to the fandom since Lord Grantham’s dalliance with the maid in series 2. I think it’s fair to say that no one expected it to happen. Even after the warning signs that all was not right with Sybil’s labour, there was still the hope that there would be a last-minute rush to the hospital or that Dr. Clarkson would step in and save the day. The hopelessness of her death, with none of them able to do anything to help was completely devastating.

I for one spent the rest of the episode in tears. Cora’s emotional goodbye to her daughter and the Dowager Countess’ arrival both had me sobbing. Thomas showing what seemed to be genuine emotion was equally heart-breaking.

Of course, Sybil’s death wasn’t the only thing happening at Downton last night. Elsewhere, Mrs. Crawley has hired a prostitute (and former Downton maid Ethel) to run her house, causing Mrs. Bird to quit in protest, while O’Brien is clearly up to something with the new Footman (what exactly is her plan?). There is hope at last that Anna may have found the evidence may to get Bates out of prison and tension may be on the horizon as Matthew starts to make suggestions for ways to save the estate some money and run more efficiently.

Next week’s episode will no doubt continue the storylines started this week as well as showing the family dealing with the aftermath of Sybil’s death and what will happen next to Tom and baby Sybil.

Share your thoughts on this shocker of an episode below!