Downton Abbey series 6 returns tonight with its second episode, and the Crawley family is off to the carnival. Carnivals are fun, right?

Last week’s premiere kicked off with the usual Downton fare: Blackmail, job insecurity, gossip and relationship drama.

Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes hit a minor bump in the road on their way to walking down the aisle, but the problem was quickly cleared up via some hilariously awkward conversations with Mrs. Patmore acting as a go-between. Rest assured, things are back on course for Carson and Mrs. Hughes to tie the knot before the series ends. For now.

Elsewhere downstairs, we finally saw the dreaded Mr. Green storyline wrap up, with the happiest outcome possible for both Mr. Bates and Anna — though not everything was roses for the couple, as we discovered that Anna has had multiple miscarriages. Are they destined for continuous misery?

Staff cuts also led to Lady Mary taking over Branson’s position on the estate, though Lord Grantham was initially dubious, but after Mary fends off a (not-quite-convincingly-accented) Liverpudlian chambermaid he’s more convinced of her ability to hold her own.

You can read our full review of the premiere here.

Everything you need to know ahead of ‘Downton Abbey’ series 6, episode 2

Tonight, the family are off to a carnival and Lady Mary steps in to help Anna by taking her to London to speak to a doctor about her difficulty conceiving. Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes have to decide on a location for their reception, and Mrs. Hughes seems to want to leave her position at Downton now that she’ll be a married woman — is a Carson and Hughes owned Bed and Breakfast on the horizon?

The synopsis from ITV reads, “An idea of Mary’s gives Anna new hope. Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes can’t agree, and Edith is faced with her greatest fear.”

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It seems as though there’ll be more Marigold drama for Edith, as she’s torn between her London life and staying at home with her daughter. Hopefully it’ll all be resolved without more upset and misery for Edith — she deserves a reprieve from her heartbreak.

You can watch a preview from tonight’s episode below.

It seems as though the conflict over the hospital between the Dowager Countess and Isobel is starting to creep outwards to other members of the Crawley family. Will we see Robert and Cora taking Isobel’s side? That’ll make dinners awkward for a while.

We also have a couple of images from the episode courtesy of ITV, though they don’t give away much of what’s happening.

Check back on Hypable later tonight for our recap of Downton Abbey series 6, episode 2.

Do you think we’ll see Carson and Hughes make it down the aisle on this season of ‘Downton?’

Downton Abbey series 6, episode 2 airs tonight at 9 p.m. GMT on ITV.