Doctor Who finally aired last week and the WhoHype gang is so excited to be back discussing it.

This week is Daleks! Yes, the old foes are back with extermination right and left. We can’t wait to see how Peter Capaldi manages to tackle them. On top of that, Samuel Anderson makes his debut as Danny Pink. We are sure to have thoughts and maybe a few crack theories on that one.

Last week Peter Capaldi made his entrance sprawling out of the tardis as the Doctor, and what an entrance it was. Between angry eyebrows, lots of shouting, and quite possibly a push out a window, it’s obvious that we have a darker Doctor. By darker Doctor, we don’t just mean that rather fetching frock coat that Capaldi wears. How will this darker Doctor deal with his darkest foe? Maybe a supersonic flamethrower is in order.

We loved the debut last week. Now that’s not to say we loved everything. For starters, Vastra needs to get her head out of her backside an return to treating Jenny like an equal and not a pretty little thing she keeps around the house. We could also do with a variety of location since both Big Ben and a certain garden get used over and over again. You can check out our thoughts on the matter here.

So if you are as excited as we are about Doctor Who finally being back, join us. The show will kick off right here on Hypable today at 10:30 p.m. ET and will last about an hour. The footage will be on this post. If you miss us, no worries, you can catch us later on YouTube. We will also be recording the audio so if you’d rather catch us as a traditional podcast, you’ll be able to get us the next day on our regular podcast channels.

In case you missed us last week, you can see that show below, or you can catch us as a podcast over here

Use the hashtag #WhoHype to tweet us questions ahead of time, or to participate during the show. We’ll also be covering comments left on tonight’s recap post as well as below.

We’ve got Natalie, Harri, Laura, and Jen onboard to fanboy and fangirl about the episode, so come and join us.