It’s not just the new TARDIS that Steven Moffat debuted during the Doctor Who Christmas Special. We also had a new companion and an new title sequence.

The largest bone of contention among fans regarding the new items introduced in the Doctor Who Christmas Special is easily the TARDIS itself. By most accounts, Jenna-Louise Coleman’s Clara was a rousing success. The title sequence that is a throwback to the classic era, also seems more than not to resonate with fans. On the other hand, the redesigned TARDIS seems to have taken on a love-hate feel.

Some fans have no issue with the redesign which, like the new title sequence, is a bit of a throwback to the classic era. In the 1970’s and 1980’s the TARDIS was much more steel and blue. It had a definite, metallic spaceship look about it. Presumably the 1960’s version also looked this way, but since it was shot in black and white no one knew.

On the other hand, there are fans questioning the redesign. Surely the worn out Doctor didn’t feel like a bit of decorating would cheer him up. Why the new look? Why not keep the newer, steam-punk feel?

In a BBC interview along with Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, Moffat explains why the new look in his mind was necessary.

How do you feel about Steven Moffat’s explanation? Was the TARDIS too homey looking and needed a spaceship revamp? What camp are you in, do you like the redesign or not?