It’s always fantastic when something brilliant makes its way to the Internet, even if it was not initially intended to be out there. Well, there is not one, but two epic videos starring David Tennant, Russell T. Davies, Julie Gardner, John Barrowman, Billie Piper, Catherine Tate…the list goes on, in a Doctor Who farewell of sorts.

The scuttlebutt seems to be that these videos were filmed to be aired at the wrap party after Tennant, Davies, and Gardner moved on and Moffat’s team took over. The first one very much reads as Tennant’s thank you to all the support staff and co-stars. The second (which is sheer genius), complete with serenading from John Barrowman, Catherine Tate, David Tennant is all about a tribute to the team of Gardner and Davies.

If you want the lyrics to video two, you can get them here.

Sonic screwdrivers held high in admiration from this end. What a great look back. It’s hard to pick, but what is your favorite moment in the videos?