Doctor Who writer Tom Macrae revealed to the Northampton Chronicle, a paper that covers both his and Matt Smith’s hometown, that a much deeper side to Amy Pond is coming. Karen Gillan gets to stretch her acting muscles beyond what we’ve seen.

According to the BBC America blog Anglophenia:

“One question we hadn’t considered, but which is apparently due to be discussed in some length in a story called The Girl Who Waited, is what really happened during the years between the Doctor’s first meeting with young Amy Pond as a child, and Amy Pond as a grownup?

The story’s writer, Tom Macrae, has revealed to his local newspaper the Northampton Chronicle, that this is going to be the most emotional story of the series, and Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond is going to leave a lot of people churned up after watching.

He said: “It’s a real tear-jerker of an episode and it’s very much focused on Karen. Her acting in it is amazing. I know she’ll break the viewers’ hearts in two when they watch it, it’s so emotional.”

Where do you think Karen Gillan has had her best performance so far in the series. Do you think she’s a better comedic or dramatic actress?