Freema Agyeman played the companion Martha Jones on Doctor Who back in the David Tennant years. This past weekend she attended the Gallifrey One convention and was interviewed by a 4-year-old fan.

The largest Doctor Who convention in the world is the annual Gallifrey One convention that takes place in Los Angeles each year during President’s Day weekend. Not only does the convention pack in former Doctors and companions like Freema Agyeman and Sylvester McCoy, but it also attracts celebrity Whovians like Grant Imahara of Myth Busters fame.

The con is a Whovian’s dream with COS play, discussion panels featuring the stars and creative teams, Q & A sessions with podcasters, and signings. There is also a TARDIS room where you can literally hop in and take your picture with the life-sized craft. There are also several Daleks that wander the halls exterminating as they go, as well as K-9.

One of the show stopping moments this year was when Beyond the Marquee’s Lindalee Rose ended up interviewing Agyeman at the end of her regular Q & A session.

In case you are wondering what Freema Agyeman is up to these days, she’s currently co-starring in The Carrie Diarieson the CW.