Brace yourselves, Doctor Who fans. It’s another day, and with it comes another installment of Pond Life!

After The Doctor surfed lava, toasted crumpets and laid some backing vocals in “Part 1” on Monday, and interrupted Amy and Rory in yesterday’s “Part 2,” he’s back! We pick up a month after the second installment, as the Ponds react to The Doctor’s rude (and abrupt) visit to their bedroom.

Check out the video below, courtesy of the BBC Doctor Who website!

The remaining two episodes of Pond Life will be released at the same time tomorrow and Friday respectively, with the web series concluding on a cliffhanger which will be addressed in the broadcast of “Asylum of the Daleks” this Saturday in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada. Good news also for Australian fans – up until recently they were thought to be confined to a week-long wait, with ABC not choosing to begin broadcasting the series until Sept 8. Now though, the channel has decided to release each episode online an hour after its U.K. airing. This is the first time since Doctor Who‘s return in 2005 that each new episode has been available in the four main territories on the same day; and it certainly makes the recording of WhoHype much easier for our hosts in Britain, America and Australia!

If you want more Doctor Who goodness, be sure to check out the results of our top 50 episodes poll which was released over the weekend in two parts (one, and two), containing several surprises. Who knows, you may even re-discover an adventure you haven’t watched for a while! While you’re at it, why not check out our “You know you’re a Doctor Who fan when…” info graphic with plenty of observations that we hope you find humorous, witty and accurate!

What do you think of “Pond Life Part 3”?