Suffering from post-Pond blues? Fear not, as the Doctor Who website has just unleashed a new video featuring Brian Williams, titled “Doctor Who: P.S.”!

The new clip focuses on Brian Williams (played by Harry Potter star Mark Williams) as he follows the Doctor’s orders and “waters the plants” – before a life-changing event reveals how he deals with Amy and Rory’s demise, as well as some of the experiences they went through in their new lives in the past.

The video was announced yesterday by executive producer Caroline Skinner, saying “it’s fitting we can give the character a degree of closure in this poignant piece.” After “The Angels Take Manhattan,” the BBC received a frenzy of emails from fans of all ages asking how Rory’s father handled their departure.

Though he only appeared in two episodes (“Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” and “The Power of Three”), the character instantly became a fan-favorite – so news of this video was met with excitement from a range of Whovians. Originally written by Chris Chibnall as an online mini-episode, “P.S.” was never shot due to time restraints but has since been reconstructed from animated storyboards and a voiceover narration courtesy of former Rory Williams actor, Arthur Darvill.

Check out the video below, courtesy of the Doctor Who website.

Doctor Who returns this Christmas with Jenna-Louise Coleman stepping into the TARDIS as the Doctor’s new companion. She will join him for the remaining run of series 7 next year and into the 50th Anniversary celebrations.

For in-depth analysis, opinion and discussion on the mid-series finale “The Angels Take Manhattan,” as well as speculation about the show’s future check out the latest episode of WhoHype!

Earlier this week, Arthur Darvill shared his thoughts on what happened to the Ponds after that heartbreaking graveyard scene.

What do you think of the video? Does “P.S.” bring more closure to the story of Amy, Rory and Brian?