There are not one, but three new videos to tease the Doctor Who Christmas Special. We learn a bit more about Vastra and Jenny, as well as how those menacing snowmen actually work.

First up is a prequel to the Doctor Who Christmas Special that covers how the unusual looking Vastra and Strax are explained to Victorian society. Some of this backstory information is further covered in their character bios that the BBC released last week. It seems that Vastra is a bit of a female Sherlock Holmes helping out Scotland Yard when they are stumped.

How dangerous are the snowmen from the Christmas episode? Well, it looks like all you have to do is think about one and one, or five, just pop up complete with teeth.

In this next one, there are a few “blink and you miss it” moments from the Doctor Who Christmas Special. The best part is something that will have all Wholockians rejoicing. Think iconic dress.

Doctor Who is literally returning to its roots in the Christmas story. The majority of the plot is based on an unused script penned back in 1979 by the late Douglas Adams of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fame. Thrity years ago the idea of a morose Doctor at Christmas time didn’t sit well with the BBC higher-ups and the idea was scrapped. According to the Daily Mail, showrunner Steven Moffat stated,

Douglas Adams was the greatest writer ever to have turned his genius to Doctor Who. I remembered hearing the story about his script years ago and thinking it was a brilliant idea and sounded so great that, if I ever had the chance, it would be one hell of a story to tell.

Being alone again isn’t exactly a first for the Doctor, but for the first time he’s admitting he’s had enough. He’s retired, withdrawn from the world and holed up in his battered old Tardis. No more friends, no world-saving, no more heartbreak. It’s a brilliant idea, and I can say that without arrogance because it wasn’t mine.

How do you think this Christmas episode will rank among the previous ones?