As filming of the Ponds’ final Doctor Who episode draws to a close, more and more spoilers are making their way onto the internet. In what may be the last of the leaked videos, we get a heartbreaking look at Matt Smith filming a particularly emotional scene. This post contains spoilers.

Yesterday we showed you several videos from the shoot, including The Doctor walking dejectedly while clutching a scrap of paper. As some of you speculated, it appears that the note was a farewell letter from Amy and/or Rory. This new video shows Smith tearfully reading the aforementioned letter, before breaking down into sobs and holding his head in his hands.

Take a look at the video below!

Once you have managed to pick up your jaw from the floor, and wipe away your floods of tears, take a closer look at the video. The Doctor seems to be wearing the glasses that we saw on Karen Gillan yesterday, and the actress herself sits next to him throughout the scene – though she doesn’t seem to be doing much apart from reading her script, possibly the voice over for the letter that Smith is reading.

Do you think that this is the last time The Doctor will hear from the TARDIS couple? What impact do you think the departure will have on Eleven?