Doctor Who series 7 opener “Asylum of the Daleks” just finished airing in the United Kingdom – discuss it with your fellow fans and compare it to previous Dalek stories!*SPOILERS FOR AMERICAN FANS*

Eleven months to the day since “The Wedding of River Song” closed last year’s series 6, Doctor Who is finally back!

“The Asylum of the Daleks” saw Amy and Rory’s marriage on the brink with divorce imminent, while The Doctor received a mysterious cry for help. Before they knew it, the TARDIS trio was facing the Parliament of the Daleks on Planet Skaro, and heading out to the Asylum to face the psychotic cyborg’s most disturbed faction. There were plenty of tears, twists and terror throughout the 45-minute episode, but we want to know: What were you favourite moments?

The Daleks are easily The Doctor’s most recognizable adversaries, and they’ve appeared in an impressively diverse amount of episodes since their inception in 1963 (let’s not forget, they turn 50 next year as well!). From the timeless “Genesis of the Daleks” to the controversial “Evolution of the Daleks,” we’ve seen endless cults, models and paint jobs, and all of them appeared in tonight’s episode. But where would you place “Asylum of the Daleks” in relation to the show’s previous Dalek episodes? Vote for your favourite in our poll below!

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Stay tuned for Hypable’s full review and analysis of “Asylum of the Daleks,” and a dedicated episode of WhoHype!

What worked, what didn’t, what had you shaking your fist and shouting “MOFFAAAAAT!”? Let us know what you thought and join the debate in the comments below!