Six freshly released images from Doctor Who 7×01 “Asylum of the Daleks” seemingly reveal an important character. Potential spoilers ahead…

In the latest of a recent slew of promo images for the series 7 opener (we’ll let you make your own “two buses” analogies), the BBC has shared six new promotional images for The Doctor’s upcoming adventure with the Ponds. Five of those pictures are largely unremarkable (corridors, falling and sonic screwdriver-pointing) but one shot in particular caught our attention. Take a look below, and see if you can spot anything unusual – but beware! We could have a potentially huge spoiler on our hands – or nothing of importance – so look at your own risk.

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Images: BBC

Notice anything peculiar in the fourth picture? In case you missed it, here’s a higher-resolution version of the image in question:

Who’s that mystery leather-clad red head between The Doctor and Amy? Fan theories vary from a new child of the Ponds, Donna (dream on), a slightly older Amelia Pond, a regenerated Romana (a popular character in classic Doctor Who or an entirely new character. Several reviews and reports of Tuesday’s “Asylum of the Daleks” preview screening talk about a shocking character that will “melt the Internet” and “have a big impact” on the rest of series 7. Interestingly, this scene featured heavily in the recently released trailer, but the character hadn’t yet “entered” the scene. Of course, only those who have seen the episode know if this mysterious female is of any importance – but her suspicious similarities to Amy and the way in which she appears to be siding with the TARDIS crew seem to suggest she may be instrumental.

Who do you think this character is? Will she prove to be significant to the future of Doctor Who?