Several Doctor Who crew members attended a panel at the convention over the weekend, and shared several informational nuggets concerning the upcoming seventh series!

Producer Caroline Skinner was joined by director Toby Haynes, writer Chris Chibnall and composer Murray “MuGo” Gold to answer fan questions on what we can expect from the episodes later this year. While there was no new footage screened (they’re saving that for this weekend in San Diego), they did reveal a few tidbits – and Blogtor Who tweeted the important points.

Skinner confirmed that Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss would be writing two episodes for the latter half of the series, the second of which was announced last week. She also described Chris Chibnall’s second episode (currenly slated to be number four) as Amy and Rory-centric, and said their swansong encounter with the Weeping Angels is “terrifying.”

Murray Gold proved to be a hit with the Parisian crowd, after spending the entire panel spouting as much French as he could. In response to a question about the prospects reworking of the theme tune, he gave an elusive “Peut-etre…” (“Perhaps…”).

Hypable will be present at this weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con, so make sure you check out our full coverage of all Doctor Who events – which will include liveblogs.

Are you excited to see two episodes from Gatiss this series?

Photos: BBC/Comic-Con France