Doctor Who’s season finale is entitled “Name of the Doctor,” and we at Hypable decided to take a stab at what we think his name will be. Are we right or wrong? You decide! And don’t worry: There are absolutely no spoilers!

We love Doctor Who, so when we heard that they’ll be giving us the name of the Doctor we firstly said, “Wait, what?!” And proceeded to vent and talk about how this is something we do not want to know, and something that shouldn’t be answered at all.

Then we got to thinking about what his name could be, and we’ve made some new posters for what our guesses are. What is the name of the Doctor, and what could possibly live up to our expectations?

His name could literally be anything, so we thought we’d have some fun with the possibilities. Maybe the reason he’s hidden his name is because he’s embarrassed, or maybe he liked anonymity more. Or perhaps the Doctor has a name that is way too long for any companion to appropriately call out for help with when in dangerous situations, and he figured “Doctor” would simply be easier. Either way, check out our list of possibilities and tell us which is your favorite!

Hypable’s ‘Doctor Who’ name predictions as posters

Maybe his name will be really basic?

Or really outrageous?

Or, it’ll be something that’s been under our nose all along.

We’re sure the internet has some amazing theories, so let us know in the comments below what you think his name should be! Let’s take this amazing opportunity to be ridiculous and fun before having the question allegedly answered in the Doctor Who season finale this Saturday.

Join us live to discuss ‘The Name of the Doctor’!

We’ll be hosting a live Hypable Hangout on Google Plus this Saturday after the episode airs for the east coast in the US at 9 p.m eastern. Join our Who Hype hosts as they discuss the episode in depth and talk theories, plot twists, and the Doctor’s mystery! We’ll be posting an article later this week to give you more details. Will you be joining in?

Graphics by Hypable’s Camden Remington and Ben Rubin.