So far, two Doctor Who season finale promos are out with a third likely to go live later tonight. Everyone is in a fight for their life in next week’s “The Name of the Doctor”.

The official description reads:

Clara is summoned to an impossible conference call, alerting her that the deadly Whisper Men are closing in on Vastra, Jenny and Strax. Someone is kidnapping the Doctor’s friends, leading him toward the one place in all of time and space that he should never go. It’s a deadly trap that threatens to unravel his past, present and future…

Showrunner Steven Moffat has promised that the mystery of Clara will finally be solved, and it’s not just a put-on or clever play on words. If he reneges, the fandom angst will be at an all time high. He’s also made some other big promises telling Digital Spy that, “[It will] change the course of Who forever…It’s full of surprises and questions that have never been answered in the history of Who, including the Doctor’s greatest secret.”

In the first video that aired in the U.K. after “Nightmare in Silver,” it’s obvious the Doctor’s friends are in great danger, possibly from each other, as Strax seems not to recognize Vastra and threatens to kill her. The Doctor is apparently going to have to cross his own timeline to help his friends in Trenzalore, the place he must never go.

In the second video, we see a good deal of Clara as she narrates (similar to Rose Tyler) about how she “…is Clara Oswald, and I was born to save the Doctor.” We see her quite literally with fire in her eyes and in other eras. We also see River Song telling her not to do something.

What do you make of the promos? Will this episode live up to the hype?