Doctor Who concluded its two-parter, allegorical episode about the Zygons. The question is, will it have an impact on society?

Last week we left off with Kate Stewart on her own in a showdown in New Mexico with the Zygons. We had the Zygon/Clara reveal, and the Doctor was playing catch up.

Evil twin time Zygon style

Human/Clara wakes up and starts to realize thing aren’t quite right. She may not understand it all just yet, but she’s going to have to battle the Zygons literally from within. Fortunately, she’s able to at least save the Doctor and Osgood from the missile attack by giving them enough time to parachute to safety, and she devises how to communicate via texting and blinking.

Mission Osgood Box

While various diversions are started, Zygon/Clara goes to retrieve the Osgood Box. Fortunately, Osgood and the Doctor are smarter, and the location of the box is a ruse that infuriates Zygon/Clara. The Doctor manages to give a message to Zygon/Clara and Human/Clara about not letting Zygon/Clara get information. As an extra bit of fun, the Doctor has named Zygon/Clara “Zigella” (Cue Nigella Lawson jokes.), but her real name is Bonnie.

Raid on HQ

The Doctor, who jokingly calls himself Basil, and Osgood, whose real name is Petronella, discover that this Zygon splinter group is hell bent on getting its own way. The group hasn’t thought about the long and short-term consequences of their actions. An unwillingly unmasked Zygon ends his life, rather than live in this new universe. He states, “Why can’t I just live here. I’m not on anyone’s side.”

The Doctor also meets up with Kate, who managed to get her way out of the New Mexico predicament by shooting her way out. The Doctor is not pleased with Kate’s bloodbath methods.

Clara vs. Clara

Human/Clara stronger than Zygon/Clara. Not even death scares her as she realizes that Zygon/Clara needs her alive for information. Unfortunately, Zygon/Clara finds a loophole in heart rate. By measuring it, she’s know whether Human/Clara is lying to her. Zygon/Clara is able to learn that the Osgood Box is at U.N.I.T. HQ in the Black Archive, and the only way to get more information in to actually go there with Human/Clara.

At the Black Archive

We soon learn that it’s called the Osgood Box because like the Osgoods, there are two of them. As the Doctor arrives with Kate and Osgood in tow, we come to realize the that boxes contain four buttons. The consequences of pushing any pf the buttons are calamitous towards one or both sides. There is no way of knowing what is unleashed by pushing which button.

Doctor’s proposal arrives

The Doctor makes a simple offer: forgive and forget. Without this, there is a never ending cycle of cruelty that can only stop with someone willing to say “no.” In the entire history of the universe, vendettas have only ended with each side not caring who did what to whom first, or who was right, or who held the higher moral ground. If no one ends the cycle, it goes on and on, and no one really knows what it was all about, as causalities rack up.

As the Doctor points out, no one ever thinks about the endgame. Assuming your side wins, what does your world look like in the aftermath of annihilation? Did you get what you wanted? What do you do now? An most importantly, who protects you from the next you?

The resolution

Kate stands down first followed by Bonnie. They both come to the realization that the boxes are empty, and that this showdown with the Doctor was a way to make them stop and think. Apparently, it’s a “game” they have played fifteen times before as they have the slowest learning curve ever.

The Doctor wipes Kate’s memory but not Bonnie’s because now that she has had Clara in her head, perhaps she can change for the better, as the Doctor has changed for the better having known Clara.


The Doctor invites Osgood to travel with him and Clara, but Osgood declines stating that she is needed more on Earth. Bonnie decides to join Osgood to complete the Osgood pair once again. As to if the Osgoods are two Zygons, or a Zygon and a human, Osgood won’t reveal until no one cares.

Random thoughts

Osgood(s) would make a wonderful companion(s) now that Jenna Coleman is leaving. We’d like to see a frank discussion between Kate and the Doctor on when violence is the solution because negotiation doesn’t always work. Peter Capaldi’s performance tonight was, in our humble opinion, the first Emmy worthy Doctor Who performance of the reboot era. Is Clara actually dead, and the Doctor going back in time to have a new adventure with her that doesn’t affect timeline?

Doctor Who will be back next Saturday on BBC America at 9:00 pm.

Did you think Peter Capaldi’s ‘Doctor Who’ performance was Emmy worthy?