Doctor Who season 8, episode 6 sees the return of John Smith and gives a Doctor approved boyfriend for Clara, just probably not the one you are thinking.

The Double Life of Clara Oswald

The episode opens with Clara dividing her time with the Doctor and Danny. This is not always a successful endeavor as Danny frequently notices odd things about Clara like her turning up soaking wet and having seaweed in her pockets. Clara uses some lame excuses which Danny of partial believes.

John Smith

The Doctor appears at Clara’s school pretending to be the new caretaker, John Smith, but he tells everyone to call him the Doctor. Clara is worried that the kids aren’t safe. The Doctor makes a few offhanded remarks about having a broom and needing to clean but there is clear concern in his behavior. He also mentions River!

Clara and the Doctor

Clara stresses about the Doctor being in her school and when he arrives in her classroom, through the window, she freaks out. She leaves the classroom and finds him talking to Danny. The Doctor insists that Danny must be a PE teacher. He then confuses the Matt Smith look-a-like for Clara’s boyfriend. The Doctor has a run in with a student while he is investigating in the TARDIS. While he isn’t as good with children as the 11th Doctor he definitely held his own with the sassy teen.

The Plan

The Doctor plans to lure a Blitzer to the school grounds to send it through the time vortex. He plans on using his sweet invisibility watch to keep clear of the creature. The Doctor insists he doesn’t need Clara and tells her to go off and canoodle with her boyfriend. The Doctor even makes a comment about her boyfriend reminding him of himself clearly identifying the wrong man as Clara’s boyfriend. She sadly misses the comment and believes the Doctor is happy about Danny.

Danny Pink

Danny notices the devices that the Doctor put up around the school. He pulls several of them down disrupting the Doctor’s plan. Danny walks in on the Doctor trying to get rid of the Blitzer and things get crazy. Clara tries to lie to Danny saying it was a play but he doesn’t believe her and guesses that she is from space. He thinks that the Doctor is her father. While the two argue Clara blurts out that she loves Danny. The Doctor reacts poorly to this.


Clara refuses to let the Doctor wipe Danny’s memory and they show him the TARDIS. The Doctor is angry with Clara and wants an explanation about Danny being her boyfriend. She takes Danny home and they have a heart to heart about why she travels with the Doctor. Danny wants to know who Clara is with the Doctor so she decides to show him by giving him the invisibility watch. It backfires when the Doctor realizes Danny is on the TARDIS. Danny isn’t bashful about telling the Doctor exactly what he thinks of him putting Clara firmly in the middle of her men.

Good Enough

The Doctor gives Clara a dangerous mission and Danny followers her. In the end he uses the watch to help them save the world. The Doctor is reluctant to thank Danny but Danny has realized why the Doctor is so angry. He wants to know that Danny is good enough for Clara. Later when Clara and Danny are together he tells her he knows men like the Doctor that they push people into making choices they should. Danny sounds like maybe he was made to follow someone who pushed him too hard. Danny tells Clara she must promise to tell him if the Doctor pushes her too far. He wants to help her and he will leave her if she doesn’t tell the truth.


The final scene is of the police officer who was killed by the Blitzer. He is in a white hall speaking with a man. He is told that he didn’t survive and is in a place with many names including the Promiseland, the afterlife and the nethersphere. We see Missy walk in and look at the officer and walk away. The man tells the officer that Missy is very busy today.

There are still questions about Missy and why people are ending up in her world. The intake man did mention several people arriving from the Blitzer incident but we only saw the one death which had nothing to do with the Doctor. Then there is the question of what Danny’s role will become. Will he travel with Clara and the Doctor? Will he and the Doctor ever be friendly?

What did you think of Danny finding out about the Doctor and Clara’s relationship with him?