The BBC has released an additional 37 photos for Saturday’s Doctor Who season finale; yes, you read that correctly, an additional 37 photos.

The BBC typically releases 13 to 25 photos for a given episode. To release an extra 37 photos the day before the season finale is unprecedented.

In case you hadn’t seen enough to the Whispermen in the promo or the previous stills, there are now several more. Although in great quantity, they tend to look a bit repetitive rather than scary, like a mime group gone bad.

There are there are also a ton of Clara photos where she looks morose and weepy interspersed with her hugging the Doctor. The most interesting ones are of her spinning out of control and falling into the what is either the Time Vortex or The Heart of the TARDIS.

The Doctor, interestingly enough, is featured mainly with Clara and River Song. There are few photos of him alone.

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What there isn’t any sign of is the conference call as suggested in the synopsis of the episode. We see the Doctor’s friends. There does however seem to be quite the tea party going on. The official synopsis reads:

Clara is summoned to an impossible conference call, alerting her that the deadly Whisper Men are closing in on Vastra, Jenny and Strax. Someone is kidnapping the Doctor’s friends, leading him toward the one place in all of time and space that he should never go. It’s a deadly trap that threatens to unravel his past, present and future…

Interestingly enough, in a new clip released by the BBC, we have Clara receiving a letter from what sounds like Madam Vastra. The letter says the Doctor gave her Clara’s contact information in case an emergency arises, and of course one does. To us this sounds like a villainous scheme to kidnap Clara and lead her to the trap!

Remember that the WhoHype crew will be having a live Google Hangout right after Saturday’s broadcast! Come and join us to discuss what this all means then.