With Doctor Who‘s series 7 opener “Asylum of the Daleks” mere hours away, we recap this week’s five part web-series Pond Life and want to know what your favourite episode was!

So we left “The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe” with our favourite Time Lord joining Amy and Rory for Christmas dinner – two years since the end of “The Wedding of River Song.” Pond Life picks up four months after their festive feast, with The Doctor leaving the happily married Ponds a phone message describing his adventures since they last saw each other. We could have happily watched whole episodes dedicated to The Doctor’s lava surfing escape from the Sontarans, or the events which led to a 900 year old alien providing backing vocals for an urban grime song. It certainly seems he’s had a busy few months!

The second installment brings a bedtime interruption from The Doctor, a little earlier than he’d hoped for. We assume this is The Doctor from “The Power of Three,” as he talks about the whole Earth being in danger (the only episode of series 7a to have this kind of plot). Some nice “flash-forwards” from episodes 1-3 provide plenty of foreshadowing before he disappears again. Part 3 is a short, sharp, sketch in which Amy and Rory discover an unwelcome visitor in their bathroom – an Ood on the loo! Possibly the funniest scenes from Part 4, which shows the Ood becoming the Ponds’ Butler: preparing breakfast; cleaning windows; and even hanging out the washing – let’s hope the neighbours didn’t see!

Then, suddenly, it all gets a bit dramatic. The concluding episode sees The Doctor turn up at his best friend’s house, only to find out that nobody’s there. As he deletes a message intended for their house phone, we see Rory walking out and Amy burst into tears. Looks like the honeymoon is finally over for our favourite Doctor Who couple. Could this bring divorce? We’ll find out a little later tonight!

Check out an omnibus version of “Pond Life” below.

What’s your favourite installment of the web-series? Vote in our poll, then explain your reasoning in the comments!

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