The time has come for the farewell to the Ponds on Doctor Who. “The Angels Take Manhattan” will not only be the last episode of the Ponds, but it will also be the last episode, other than the Doctor Who Christmas Special that airs this year.

After next Saturday, it will all be over for Amy and Rory (Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill) on Doctor Who. The pair are the longest running companions in the reboot era on Doctor Who having stuck around for three seasons. The only companion to serve a longer term was the beloved Sarah Jane Smith, played by the late Elisabeth Sladen. Sarah Jane Smith appeared in both the classic and reboot era of Doctor Who. She was the most prolific of any companion, having appearing alongside nine of the incarnations of the Doctor.

Every interview the pair has given, as well as comments from showrunner Steven Moffat, indicate that their end is a final one. There will be none of the Ponds popping up to meet the new companion, or appearing in cameos in the future timelines. Perhaps they may be able to appear flashback memories, but that will be it.

Recently released photos for the episode indicate, as the title would suggest, show that the action takes place entirely in Manhattan. The photos also show the return of River Song. Though, given her timeline, it may be interesting to note who knows more at this point her or the Doctor, Amy, and Rory.

The official synopsis for the BBC indicates that the action is the present and then the 1930’s.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory visit modern-day New York. But the Weeping Angels are lurking here too. When one of the TARDIS crew is zapped back to 1938, Amy discovers that time can’t always be rewritten, not once it’s written in stone.

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Coupled with the trailer that leaked out earlier today, it’s obvious that this episode has it all when it comes to Doctor Who: adventure, comedy, and danger. Presumably, it will be a tear jerker as well. Many fans have been noticing that Doctor Who seems to have taken a darker turn this year, and it seems, given the current photos and trailer, that this one will be no exception.

How do you think this episode will rank compared to others where the Doctor loses companions?