Doctor Who is always giving us new things to think about, but honestly we want answers, not more questions.

Obviously, there are always going to be some mysteries thrown at us to keep things fun, but there are some things that we need the answers to or we are going to go crazy.

Loose ends from season 7

We are pretty sure that we speak for everyone when we say “We are glad the Impossible Girl story line has ended.” On the other hand, what about the things that were uncovered as the Doctor researched Clara? There are some things that happened last season that haven’t been referenced since. Is it mere coincidence that Clara has missing years in her book she inherited from her mum? Does her mum dying the day the Ninth Doctor met Rose Tyler and blew up a department store mean anything? For that matter, what did she die of? Is Amy Pond’s book Summer Falls ever going to get a mention again?

Who was the woman in the shop?

Speaking about information from last season, there is the mysterious woman in the shop who gave Clara the Doctor’s number. Why has the Doctor not pressed for more information about who this person is? Has he even asked for a physical description? This woman could be anyone from Amy Pond’s grandchild, to Jo Grant, to Martha Jones. We have no idea why the Doctor isn’t more curious about this woman who has his number, and why of all people she handed it to Clara.

The lasting effects of Daleks

“Into the Dalek” was definitely inventive. The Doctor has never wandered around his enemy’s insides before. Now that he’s done that, aren’t there pending issues? Is Clara, as a human, going to suffer after effects of the off-the-charts radiation? Is Clara going to have some connection to the Daleks since she jump started the memory core like Rose Tyler experienced with the Ninth Doctor? Where exactly is this reformed Dalek going, and what is his mission? Is he forming some sort of new Dalek colony where he converts others, is he spying for the Doctor, is he sabotaging the Dalek fleet? What precisely is this good Dalek’s mission?

Danny Pink

Danny is obviously a former soldier, and we’re meant to assume he’s seen conflict in a recent military situation given his age of roughly 30-years-old. Likely we are meant to think he’s seen action in the Middle East or Asia given the U.K.’s troop deployment. What if it’s all a trick? Danny avoids saying who he fought, and who the non-soldier casualties were. Is he possibly a “person” out of his own time, if he is even a person? Could he have fought in the future? Could the non-soldiers have been aliens? Is there a connection between Danny Pink and Journey Blue?


This all brings us around to Missy, or as we like to call her “Mary Poppins on an acid trip.” Who is she to the Doctor that she has formed “Paradise” for people who encounter him and then die? How do people end up there, and what is the criteria for ending up in this Paradise? Is it everyone the Doctor meets who then die, or is it only the people the Doctor meets who willingly sacrifice their lives for the greater good? Have we met Missy before in either the classic or reboot eras with “Missy” just being a disguise, or is Missy brand new? About the only thing that is sure, is that Missy is not 100% all there. As pointed out to us, TV Guide states,”She’s mad as a freaking hatter in the two-part season finale.”

What questions do you need answered?