As the mid-season finale of Doctor Who draws nearer, some teasers from the episode, ‘A Good Man Goes To War’, have been released. Please note that they may contain mild spoilers.

Earlier today Digital Spy released the following ten teasers:


  1. Remember not to interact with the headless monks (without divine permission)
  2. “Oh turn it off. I’m breaking in, not out!”
  3. The Doctor calls on favours from a number of familiar faces
  4. “They don’t put up a balloon or anything!”
  5. A line from a previous episode takes on a new significance.
  6. “****** ******** is a geography teacher, ****** **** is a superhero”
  7. Sontarans can produce a tasty drink.
  8. Rory: “That’s probably enough ******* now”
  9. River Song’s true identity is revealed in the episode’s final moments.
  10. The (frankly brilliant) title to episode eight is revealed before the end credits roll.

SFX have also revealed some teasers about the episode saying:


Make of these what you will and be sure to catch the mid-season finale this Saturday on BBC One if you live in the UK and on BBC America the following week.