While attending a fan convention over the weekend, Doctor Who star Matt Smith gave some tantalising hints concerning the Pond’s departure and which classic monster will be returning!

Speaking at the 11th Hour convention, the actor made a few allusions and suggestion for the forthcoming series 7. According to Bleeding Cool, Matt told fans that certain scenes in his first episode will prove significant to Amy and Rory’s swansong. The duck pond, perhaps? The young Amelia?

He also (reportedly) hinted that The Ice Warriors could be making a return, adding credibility to the rumours that Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss would be bringing the Martians back in his script.

Finally (and fan girls, you may want to be sitting down for this), he is also said to have confirmed that he would “love” for Benedict Cumberbatch to crop up as The Master at some point in the show’s future.

What scenes in “The Eleventh Hour” do you think will come back to haunt The Doctor and co.?