The Doctor Who panel was held Friday at the London Comic-Con, in which Matt Smith and executive producer Caroline Skinner teased us all about the next part of series 7.

You can watch the interview below, and read our over-analytical thoughts about their cryptic messages under that as well.

That was a hefty fifty-minute interview! While it’s filled with the typical cute questions from toddlers and marriage proposals from random girls, there were in fact some decent tidbits that Caroline and Matt shared with us concerning the next part of the series.

Nothing was actually confirmed in this interview, as Matt and Caroline are very good at staying tight-lipped about the plots. But we’ve decided to take the most interesting answers and analyze them in a way that will make you even more desperate for that Christmas special to premiere.

How does it feel knowing your time might be up?

Perhaps the only thing we got real clarity from, Caroline went out and defiantly said, “It’s not!” The way Caroline laughed the question off really gets us excited because clearly we have much more of Matt Smith to come!

Is there anything you can tell us about the new series?

The question they can never answer! At least, not without giving anything major away. However, when Caroline responds, she says, “…I think it’s exciting, because it feels as if it’s a completely new era, really.” Well, without the Ponds it’s easy to see what she means. After three years with having two companions, it’s the first time that Matt’s Doctor will have just one person all to himself.

Although Caroline doesn’t stop there, she goes on to say, “It’s a very different Doctor, as well as a very different companion, that you see in the new one.” This quote is the one that got us all giddy and excited for Christmas day. Although in what way will this Doctor be different? The Eleventh Doctor is known for his child-like amusement and intrigue with all things, and we can’t help but think that the loss we saw at the end of part one will harden him up a bit and make him, perhaps, more serious in tone and the way he approaches things.

Not only do we get the first piece of information about how the Doctor will be in the next part of the series, but we get some juicy cryptic messages from Caroline regarding the new companion, Clara, and the monsters that she’ll help the Doctor with.

“The stories are as big as the ones we’ve just made, probably bigger,” Caroline says as she continues her reply about the new series. This could possibly be one of the best series of the rebooted Doctor Who we’ve seen yet, if what they say is true. What would be bigger than the Doctor being erased from all of Dalek history, or quite possibly, all of history itself?

How is working with Jenna, and what do you think she’s going to bring to the ‘Who’ universe?

They both have very kind things to say about Jenna and the way she interacts with the Doctor, but what gets us excited is when Caroline goes on to say that, “Her being on the T.A.R.D.I.S. brings out a new side to Matt’s Doctor, really.”

Now, this is when we get really over-analytical and ridiculous so excuse our racing minds! We’ve noticed that there hasn’t been a companion to truly fall in love with the Doctor and have their love returned since Rose and the ninth/tenth Doctor. Other than that we do see the clear love story between River Song and the Doctor, but we already know how that’s going to end. So could this new side be the softer, more romantic part of the Doctor that we haven’t gotten to see properly since Rose’s departure? Maybe not, but we love to voice our crack theories anyway!

Do you ever think you’ll have Captain Jack in the series with you?

Cue the 100th time that Caroline and Matt look at each other with their “How do we answer this?” face. We haven’t heard of any spoilers about John Barrowman returning, so this probably won’t happen until the next series. Although when Caroline responds she doesn’t deny or say that it won’t ever happen, which to us is just as exciting as a yes, basically! She goes on to say, “Maybe. We could, John Barrowman is great fun and it’s a fantastic part so yeah, why not?” Yes, please!

Will River Song be returning?

Matt Smith was hesitant on answering this until Caroline stated that yes, River will be back! He then got all excited when he was able to publicly say that the Doctor’s wife will return this series.

Those are the juiciest bits that we wanted to discuss and over-analyze, and it got us all very excited for the part 2 premiere. What do you think of Matt and Caroline’s responses? Were they as interesting to you as they were to us? Crack theories are fun! So what are yours?