After spending much of the previous day shooting in Central Park and then managing to shoot that evening in Times Square with hardly anyone noticing, the cast and crew of Doctor Who moved to the streets of Tudor City right near Grand Central Station for a night shoot.

Initially it was thought that Alex Kingston would be making an appearance, as there was a call out in the agencies for someone to double Alex Kingston with a proviso that that person could also drive a stick-shift. Though standard cars are quite common in the UK, in the US, finding a person who can drive a standard vehicle with any degree of skill is becoming rarer and rarer. So it would seem, given who they chose as the photo double, it was a difficult find. Alex Kingston’s double ended up being a man (see photo below)!

In the end Alex Kingston did not actually appear at all. All they needed was someone who looked enough like her to drive a car in the dark. According to several reports, she is in London having been photographed at a charity event. It’s probably a fair guess that her part will be limited to the interiors of this episode and will be shot back in the UK.

The Tudor City area very much retains its appearance from the 1930s. As it is largely residential, there are not a ton of modern awnings and such to contend with. The filming involved two vintage cars and extras in 1930s dress. The cast was inside the building, on the roof, and on the street in front. In the scene below towards the end of the video, you can see Arthur Darvill jump off a box and then rise up looking confused at his surroundings. It’s widely speculated that it may be the result of him having been zapped by a Weeping Angel. Additionally, for what it is worth, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan can be seen running across the street away from the building’s front door without Arthur Darvill.

The posting on the streets to notify residents of the filming is seen below. It also indicates that “antique prop fire arms” were to be used. In the dark it was hard to tell if the extras had side arms. If the firearms were drawn the sound would likely be added in during post production in the editing room.

What do you think about Rory and/or Amy being sent back to the 1930s by the Weeping Angels and the Doctor not being able to bring them back to the present?