Doctor Who is beginning to wrap up its filming of Amy and Rory’s final episodes, and it seems that the more time goes on, the bigger the spoilers get! Cardiff today posed as London, and Rory got on a bus clutching something VERY important… This post contains spoilers.

Arthur Darvill was seen in character as Rory getting onto a London bus, clutching divorce papers!

We don’t know whether or not the divorce will go through, or even if this is part of some twisted nightmare or alternative reality. Earlier this week, we showed you a leaked set video of the couple arguing, with Rory storming from their house.

Twitter user Ryan Farrell was at the shoot, and took a video!

He also tweeted the following information:

“Rory gets on the bus with an envelope with a stamp on in a bag. I think this might be the “divorce papers”

I can confirm, they are divorce papers for “Amelia Williams and Rory Williams”

Mini Dalek eyestalk with a blue light is on the bus.”

What do you think about the news of the possible divorce? Will it add an interesting dynamic to Amy and Rory’s departure, or has Moffat gone too far?