The Doctor Who main cast and Steven Moffat have all arrived in New York City. Additionally, there is a photo call out for a double for Alex Kingston, so it looks like River Song is back.

So far there are photos of the cast about town and filming in Central Park. They are also to be filming tomorrow, since that was the call date for the River Song double.

Photo credit @newyorkcitypics

Photo credit @xxxxxwildflower

The Daily Mail has an entire set of high res images – including the gorgeous one below – that are truly not to be missed!

In the above photo Karen Gillan is holding a made-up paper. There is no current New York City newspaper called “The New York Record.” Also somewhat humorous is the photo of “The Detroit Lions Win Superbowl.” For those not familiar with US football, football season is roughly September through January, and the Superbowl is always played in late January/early February when it is positively freezing in New York City. No one in their right mind would be having a picnic lunch on a rock in Central Park then, and the Superbowl isn’t front page news after the second week in February or so. On top of that, the Detroit Lions have never won a Superbowl. Do you think the crew was going for an innocuous, generic paper, or does this information somehow fit into the plot?