A minute-long Doctor Who Christmas Special trailer has been released thanks to BBC America and depicts lots of new footage.

The 2013 Doctor Who Christmas Special, “The Time of the Doctor,” is set to air on BBC One and BBC America on Christmas Day, and this new trailer lets us in on a little more footage including a shot of the Doctor entering room number 11.

There’s a plethora of new Doctor Who footage in this trailer, including Clara’s (what seems to be) Grandma hoping she’s made a Christmas wish, the Doctor answering his TARDIS phone, and the Doctor talking to Tasha Lem and claiming he’s been rocking his current body for centuries. It seems that Tasha has called the Doctor there for a trap, and in the end of the trailer she states that “the Time War will start anew. The siege of Trenzalore has now begun,” she continues “this world will burn.” OH NO!

Not surprisingly, Peter Capaldi’s Doctor does not make an appearance in this trailer. We likely won’t get a glimpse of him (aside from what we saw during the 50th Anniversary Special) until showtime.

What has us really worried is that it seems the Doctor hasn’t taken the time to educate Clara about the Silence, as we hear her say “What are you?! Why do I keep forgetting you?!” Seeing her suffer through this episode and watch the Doctor eventually regenerate and/or die is going to give us a pretty traumatic Christmas experience. Clara also gets her foot held by a Weeping Angel, which is interesting since a couple of spoilers released last month indicated that would be happening to the Doctor.

Possibly the best part of this trailer is when Clara tells the Doctor to change the future and he says he can’t, we get a glimpse of the scene from Doctor Who series 6, episode 11 “The God Complex” when the Doctor looked into one of the rooms to see his one true fear. Show producer Steven Moffat has previously said that this episode will tie up all of Eleven’s loose ends, and as he is generally a man who lies about everything it was great to see some proof of this fact in the trailer.

What stood out to you in this newest Doctor Who Christmas Special trailer?

For a bit more footage, check out the BBC One trailer for the highly-anticipated event.

The synopsis for the special reads, “Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them – the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.”