BBC recently released a new trailer for all of its Christmas Specials airing this year, and Doctor Who has a short and confusing clip where Clara announces something unexpected to her family.

For those of you not in the know, BBC One is known to have a bunch of really fantastic Christmas Specials every year for its shows, and they’ve put together a trailer for what’ll be airing this year.

Doctor Who is, of course, part of that lineup and in this trailer, we get a short, sweet, and confusing clip of the Clara announcing to her family that the Doctor is her boyfriend. Check it out:

And in a hilarious move after the announcement, the Doctor slaps Clara’s butt. But fearful fans, let’s take a deep breath before we start shipping Whouffle and consider this: It’s quite possible that Clara wants to surprise her family and play a little joke on them, therefore she decides to introduce the Doctor as her boyfriend just to stir things up. Given that the Doctor isn’t one to just casually slap his girlfriends’ butts (have we ever really seen him slap River’s?), he’s probably just playing along.

Granted, Whouffle shippers are probably all giddy at the sight of Clara mentioning this relationship. It’s a little disappointing to know that this announcement (real or not) is going to be almost pointless once Matt dies regenerates later in the episode.

Late last month we got a teaser trailer for the Christmas Special, and Steven Moffat expressed his opinion about how, technically speaking, Matt Smith is the 13th Doctor. Coming straight from the 50th anniversary, the BBC is wasting no time getting us ready (and scared) for the Christmas Special later this month!

And don’t forget, we’ve got a bunch of spoilers about the Doctor Who‘s 2013 Christmas Special, so be sure to check out that article if you wanna know what might be going on this Christmas on Trenzalore.

What are your theories about the Doctor & Clara’s relationship on ‘Doctor Who’?