The next episode for Doctor Who airs this Saturday. “A Town Called Mercy” is on a complete Western theme and some dialogue and plot points are now revealed

Digital Spy is back with their regular episode line and plot teasers. They have 10 altogether on their site, but we are going to analyze 5 of them right here.

1. Worried about the Doctor leaving Solomon to die last week? His new ruthless nature is addressed here…

2. “Look at this – it’s a load of ****** and lumps of ****.”

3. Pay close attention, fact fans – the Doctor mentions his age.

4. “Oy! Don’t swear!”

5. Our Time Lord hero doesn’t just speak baby…

Number One: This seems to already be on lots of fans’ minds. The brutality of the Doctor with Solomon was something we commented on with our latest episode of WhoHype, and writer Toby Whithouse addressed it earlier in this week in an interview with SFX Magazine. Without the companions being consistently with the Doctor, he has no one to temper his reactions.

Number Two: For a bit of frivolous fun it’s always great to fill in lines MadLib syle. Ask the next person you see for a plural noun and a singular noun and see what results you get. The result we got was “Look at this – it’s a load of carrots and lumps of bunny rabbits.” Hey, it’s Doctor Who, anything is possible.

Number Three: The Doctor’s age could be important in multiple ways. Last year, the Doctor’s age was significant in deciphering the multiple timeline stories with The Silence. In that season, his age varied from 909 to 1103. Regardless, by the time last season ended, and everyone was back in the correct universe and on the current timeline, the Doctor would presumably have been 909 or 910 (thanks to sharp-eyed readers who did the timey whimey better than I did)  1103. This year astute fans have noticed that Rory and Amy have aged considerably since we left them last season. Whereas previously each season Rory and Amy’s adventures have been in a single chronological year, this year they seem to have leaped almost a decade into the future. Rory clearly stated in “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” that he was 31 years old rather than the answer of 23 or 24 that the fans would have expected. The answer of 31 puts the event of picking up Brian, Amy, and Rory for their “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” adventure as happening in 2020. So, does the revelation of the Doctor’s age indicate another skip in time for him, for humans, for both? The larger question is: “Are we all going to have to brush up on our math skills because Steven Moffat is hurting our brains and it’s only the third show?”

Number 4: Well this one is interesting in that “Oy!” isn’t exactly an American expression. So presumably, it’s said by Rory, Amy, or the Doctor. We’ll vote Doctor because swearing doesn’t seem to be a particular issue with either Rory or Amy.

Number 5: Given that Matt Smith has talked a lot about enjoying the riding lessons he took for this episode, it would seem likely that equine has been added to the Doctor’s repertoire. Wonder what the horse will call Rory and Amy?

Make sure you check out the other tidbits on Digital Spy. What are your theories?