Doctor Who is going to wrap up its second, two-parter episode this season in tonight’s “Before the Flood.”

Last week’s episode ended on a cliffhanger. We saw the Doctor leave Clara, who was trapped while running from the ghosts in the underwater base along with two base personnel. From what we know, the Doctor intended to go back in time to the era when the town was first flooded to get to the bottom of the alien craft and the ghosts. Unfortunately, it seems that the Doctor was not successful as the final images of last week’s episode showed the Doctor as a ghost under the water.

This season marks a return to the two-parter episodes during the season. In recent years, we’ve only had them during the season finales. So far, it seems to be working. Fans are embracing the story lines that don’t offer instant gratification. The two-parters absolutely lead to higher stakes, better dramatic tension, and a complex, but understandable script.

In tonight’s episode, the Doctor is going to meet the alien who is controlling the ghosts. This alien is called The Fisher King. The Fisher King apparently has an iconic scream, and for that the BBC reached out to Cory Taylor, the lead singer in Slipknot, and incidentally a Doctor Who fan.

According to producer Derek Ritchie, “We needed an awesome roar for the Fisher King. We asked Corey if he might like to do the honors. He was completely up for it! He has one of the most well-known screams in the history of music. We now have the most incredible roar for our incredible monster! He now sounds as terrifying as he looks!”

As for what the new alien looks like, check out the image below. It’s obvious that the Doctor Who special effects budget has increased over the years.

Doctor Who airs tonight on BBC America at 9:00 pm.

What do you think about the new ‘Doctor Who’ alien?