The first extended clip from the Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor has been released and depicts Doctors 10 and 11 encountering each other for the first time.

The clip premiered during the Children in Need special on the BBC this evening. Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor has a big “geronimooooo!” moment, and on the other side of his journey he meets David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. The latter tries on Eleven’s fez.

Paintings are a recurring theme in Doctor Who lately. The first brief glimpse we got earlier this week showed the Doctor and Clara looking at a painting of Gallifrey, and earlier this year the BBC released a book tied into the series called Summer Falls written by Amelia Williams, aka Amy Pond, which centered around paintings and was one of Clara’s favorites (as explained earlier in season 7).

It’s not a far fetched theory that Summer Falls will be tied into the 50th somehow, and it might very well serve as the key to defeating whatever enemy it is that the Doctors will be fighting.

Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor airs next Saturday, November 23 around the world.

Yesterday we were treated to a prequel in which a former Doctor returns! A trailer for the upcoming special has lots of great new footage.