This is an awesome easter egg for film history fans! A fan on Reddit found a fun easter egg in yesterday’s Django Unchained trailer – a wanted poster for Edwin Porter, director of the classic film The Great Train Robbery. What’s he wanted for? You guessed it: train robbery.

Found on Reddit (via Rope of Silicon), the above image shows a wanted poster for one Edwin Porter, who film buffs may recognize as Edwin S. Porter, director of the influential 1903 short film The Great Train Robbery.

As a film buff, there’s nothing better than seeing a great modern filmmaker giving a nod to such an influential figure for the history of film. For those unfamiliar with Porter’s great work, you may remember a brief nod to the 1903 film in Martin Scorsese’s Hugo. If that doesn’t ring a bell, take a watch below, it’s only about ten minutes long and will probably become apparent as to why it’s so influential and was ahead of its time.