Tris and Four’s story isn’t over just yet. A Divergent epilogue is on the way from series author Veronica Roth.

The Divergent epilogue is titled We Can Be Mended and will be released in January 2017. It’s “a short story that gives a glimpse into Four’s life five years after the conclusion of the Divergent series,” according to Veronica’s website.

It won’t be too easy to get, at least initially. We Can Be Mended will be sent as a printed book to those who pre-order Roth’s upcoming book Carve the Mark, which is set to be released on January 17.

To get the Divergent epilogue you must upload a copy of your Carve the Mark receipt on this website. The epilogue will be sent 4-6 weeks after Carve the Mark’s publication.

Here’s the cover (notice the Ferris wheel?):

‘Divergent’ epilogue plot

“A little while ago, my editor asked me if I had anything special written because she wanted to offer something to people who pre-ordered Carve the Mark since they’re usually the same people who supported the Divergent books so much,” said Roth on Tumblr. “I told her that I did have something written.”

“I’ve always said that the Divergent series felt complete to me, but a little while ago, I realized there was still some of the story I had left untold. So I wrote something just for myself about what Tobias had been up to in the years after Allegiant.”

Allegiant was published in 2013, and a collection of short stories starring Four was published the following summer. This’ll be the fifth short story Roth has published from the world of Divergent.

It’ll be interesting to see what’s going on in Four’s world so long after losing Tris. Will everything be okay? HAS HE FOUND A NEW GIRL? We could all use a little hope right now!

Maybe Lionsgate will use the new information to help adapt their fourth and final Divergent movie, which is titled Ascendant and may or may not be filmed for a television release.

Related: It’s perfectly fine for Shailene Woodley to bail on the final Divergent movie; In fact, she’s smarter for it

Carve the Mark is the first in a new series. The book’s trailer was unveiled earlier this week.