An announcement we can easily presume is related to Divergent will be made tomorrow by USA Today, author Veronica Roth revealed today.

The author of the Divergent trilogy tweeted the following this morning:

UPDATE 2 Divergent book three’s title has been revealed!

UPDATE: The Divergent book Facebook page is now teasing an announcement too: “Get excited, Initiates. We have big news coming your way tomorrow…”

It seems a little too early for any “special announcements” about the Divergent movie outside of what we’ve already been given, so our guess is this has to do with Divergent book three. The only questions left we have about the book are its title and what the cover looks like, so we’re guessing the Divergent book three title is coming tomorrow.

We learned in February that Divergent book three will be released on October 22nd.

The first book in Veronica Roth’s Divergent trilogy just began shooting its movie adaptation in Chicago. Summit-Lionsgate is hoping the franchise will become its next The Hunger Games. According to the studio, book sales of Divergent are currently on par with where Twilight and The Hunger Games were at this same stage of their book-to-film adaptation process.

Of course, we could be completely off. Perhaps Roth will share something movie related, or announce something entirely different. We’ll have to wait and see, but we have a feeling our first guess is correct.

Whatever the news is, we’ll share it with you tomorrow as soon as we get it!