A lengthy new interview is out with Dexter executive producer Sara Colleton, who speaks highly about the upcoming season which debuts in September!

Here’s a portion of the interview:

TVLINE | What can we expect to see from Dexter and his Dark Passenger this season?
Dexter is back, and he still wants to play. [Laughs] The last shot in the Season 5 finale was Dexter doing something we rarely do in the series: breaking the fourth wall. He looked in the camera and says, “Wishes are for children.” So, we’ve jumped ahead a year and this is now a Dexter who is over Rita’s death and over the loss of Lumen. He has realized that the desire to merge his lives is never going to work, so he’s compartmentalized things. An intimate relationship is not right for him to have, so he’s trying to shut that part of him off because it doesn’t lead anywhere that’s good for him. He’s at the top of his game in every way.

TVLINE | Leading up to previous seasons, it has sometimes been said that Dexter will be reverting to the man we met in Season 1. Is that the case this time around, or is he now a whole new man?
I don’t think Dexter is ever a new character, but rather every year a composite of what we’ve seen him experience and learn about human nature. We never arbitrarily say we’re going to clean things up and start over with him; he is the collection of all of the years.

TVLINE | It’s been reported that Season 6 will find Dexter battling with faith. Can you elaborate on that?
Harrison is about to start school and Dexter is keenly aware that while he knows what he doesn’t want to pass on to his son — namely his Dark Passenger — he has no idea what he should be passing on to him. So, the overarching theme of the year is faith, and if it is something he should be utilizing. But before he can do that, he’s got to figure out what exactly faith is. Right away, he realizes this is something that there is no definition of; it’s something that very baffling to him. In no way does this become a “New Age” religious take on the subject matter. If Dexter’s going to be exploring this, it’s going to be handled in a classic Dexter style. Dexter attempting to define what, by its very nature, is indefinable is very fun.

Read much more over on TV Line!