There are two casting stories today to share with you concerning fandoms we cover!

One concerns Showtime’s Dexter while the other looks at HBO’s True Blood.

On the latter:

The Showtime thriller has tapped Better With You‘s Josh Cooke to play the recurring role of Louis Greene, a new lab intern at Miami Metro and a buddy of fellow forensics nerd Masuka’s (C.S. Lee).

An insider describes Cooke’s character as a “computer genius and a bit arrogant about it.”

On True Blood:

Sources confirm to TVLine exclusively that tube MVP Scott Foley is joining the cast in a major recurring role that will kick off in the Season 4 finale and, assuming the show gets renewed (duh, it will), continue into Season 5.

The Felicity and Unit alum — who spent a good part of last season playing husband to Kim Raver’s Teddy on Grey’s Anatomy — will tackle the role of Patrick, a tough and ruggedly attractive old army buddy of Terry’s (Todd Lowe) who pays him a visit.