In a recent interview Doctor Who show runner Steven Moffat gave us clues about the 12th Doctor’s accent and ability to still be flirtatious at an older age.

Moffat was at an AdLib comedy event in Edinburgh on Wednesday, during which he did a Q&A and let slip a bunch of new details surrounding the 12th Doctor and the upcoming series of Doctor Who.

One thing we were curious about when Peter Capaldi was cast as the 12th Doctor was if he’d keep his natural Scottish accent. David Tennant, the 10th Doctor, also had a natural Scottish accent but used a Estuary English accent for his portrayal of the Doctor.

When asked if Capaldi would be keeping his accent Moffat replied, “I’d be very surprised if he didn’t.” This is an exciting and interesting development, as the only other reincarnation to have a remotely Scottish accent was Sylvester McCoy as the 7th Doctor in 1987.

Another question on fans’ minds are whether or not the 12th Doctor will be as flirtatious as his previous regenerations, or if the relationship he’ll have with Clara will now be less flirtatious and more nurturing given his older age.

The Q&A moderator, Frank Skinner, said he was hoping that Capaldi’s age will be less of a temptation for Moffat to make the Doctor flirty with all of his companions. Moffat quipped that elderly men can still be flirtatious, stating, “Yeah, ‘cos older blokes – they just don’t ever flirt with girls, do they?”

We’re unsure if Moffat meant that the 12th Doctor will still be flirtatious with Clara or if he’ll still be flirtatious in general, but either way we’re very interested in seeing Capaldi showing the 12th Doctor’s flirty side.

What do you think of having a flirty Scottish 12th Doctor?

And don’t forget, Doctor Who celebrates it’s 50th anniversary this November 23 with a TV special, and the 12th Doctor will make his debut in this year’s Christmas special on December 25.

Thanks to Blogtor Who, who was at the event.