Last night we got to learn more about Larry’s background on American Horror Story. Specifically his relationship, or lack of, with Constance. We also got some strong hints on his past. In a new interview Denis O’Hare went further into details about his character and what we can expect to see in future episodes!

The Hollywood Reporter writes:

The Hollywood Reporter: Larry told his wife he wanted to be with Constance and suggested she leave town. Will we see more of Larry and Constance’s relationship in future episodes?
Denis O’Hare: Yes, an upcoming episode will offer more information on Larry’s back story and it shows what happened after Larry’s family died and it shows the new household that Larry formed with Constance and her family, which is quite fascinating. There will be more back story detailing how he was burned; as of yet, we still don’t know.

THR: It wasn’t when Larry discovers his wife setting the room on fire? Is Constance tied to how he was burned?
O’Hare: No. It’s unrelated and completely out of left field. There’s a great hint in the basement — they have a scene before he kills Joe (the real estate developer) when he has a reunification with Constance and tells her he loves her, and she says, “Look what you did to yourself, look at what the house did to you” and he says, “The house didn’t do this to me, you did this to me.” That’s the first indication you get of how he was burned.

THR: Wednesday’s episode sees Larry kill both Joe, who was looking to buy and demolish the house, and Constance’s son in the attic, Bo. To what lengths will he go to for Constance?

O’Hare: It’s almost as if Larry has been reduced to being Constance’s henchman. Once he’s come under her power and once she favors him with a little bit of attention she’s got him and now he will do her bidding. It’s almost as if he’s her creature, in a strange way. There are no lengths to which he won’t go. But we’ll discover as we move on to the end game that everybody has their limits and everybody has the possibility of redemption and/or waking up and that goes for Larry, too.

THR: What would redemption or waking up look like for Larry?

O’Hare: For Larry, redemption is release. In this show, release can be anything from death to having your bones disinterred and moved. It means release from the burden that he carries. The burden he carries is a certain kind of guilt and a certain kind of twisted relationship with the house and Constance.

THR: It was also revealed that Larry didn’t kill his wife and daughters yet they died in the house. Could we ultimately see them surface as ghosts?

O’Hare: Quite possibly. Given the nature of the show and the nature of that house, anything and everything is possible. Characters are not necessarily gone just because they’ve been killed. There’s a very good possibility that could happen. We haven’t seen the kids yet. We just shot an episode last week that has a lot of twists and turns and a lot of strange things in the past that occur.

THR: How is Larry connected to the Rubber Man?
O’Hare: He’s connected in a very odd way, which you’ll find out in Episode 10 (laughs). There is a master plan in Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk’s brain.

O’Hare hints that Larry and the Rubber Suit Man are connected in an odd way. What do you think that the connection is?